CodeT5++: A Pre-trained Programming Language Model for Code Summarization Task

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There has been considerable research in building pre-trained models for programming language tasks, such as CodeBERT and CodeT5, that enable several downstream tasks, including code summarization, generation, and translation. In this paper, we focus on the task of automated code summarization that translates Python source code into a natural language docstring. Towards this end, we propose CodeT5++, extensions to CodeT5 where we introduce novel pre-training tasks that capture relevant source code features most useful in code summarization tasks. Specifically, we pretrain the model to (1) predict masked return values of Python functions, (2) detect whether a docstring and source code pair is an accurate representation of the function, and (3) predict masked function names of Python functions.Subsequently, we fine-tune the models for the code summarization task and evaluate the performance using a smoothed BLEU-4 score, a precision-based metric applicable in translation tasks. Finally, we analyze how the pre-training steps help improve the summarization tasks.

Mahesh Arumugam
Mahesh Arumugam

Mahesh Arumugam is a software engineer passionate about designing, programming, and deploying systems. Currently, I work in data security and analytics domain.